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vegan brownies, cookies and o yeah more food!

    here i am mixing up the batter for wheat-free vegan brownies. the flour is 2pt oat, 2pt rice, + 1pt buckwheat. the recipe for the brownies is here. um o my god these are ridiculous. i also threw in some fresh pinapple cause i'm crazy :)

    here i am making wheat-free vegan chocolate peanut butter cookies. i used the same flour mixture as the brownies, and the recipe is here. these are so freaking delicious but my addition to the recipe is instead of adding sugar to the peanut butter filling i only added a banana. so good. i ate like 10 of 'em.

    i also made the teachers an amazing vegetable curry, millet with sprouts and steamed vegetables with tofu and a cannelini bean soup with herbed toast...